Why I love what I do
Making a career out of something you love, isn’t something everyone is able to experience. For the past 9 years, I have been a business owner specializing in flooring, always keeping up to date on the newest technologies and continuing to learn everyday.
My mission is to educate others on the benefits of concrete polishing and other flooring and give them a stand out end result. Let Colorado Concrete Polishing™ give you the flooring you need, making your business look more professional and where the care of your floor does not consume your day.
A little bit about our company
Colorado Concrete Polishing’s™ mission is to deliver the highest quality flooring with the clients desired shine. We take our time to educate our customers before, during and after our services, especially how to care for the floor in the years to come. We stand behind our work and our promise that our concrete polished flooring will last a lifetime.
Colorado Concrete Polishing™ has an 8 step process that adheres to the national concrete polishing specifications. Colorado Concrete Polishing™ prides ourselves on having the most dustless jobs possible. CCP follows the manufacturers specifications on all product used for densifying, sealing, joint filling and caulking.
We can make your floors look great while saving you money in the long term. Call us to learn more about our polished concrete, joint filling, caulking, densifying, and more!